Instructions to English teachers

Sunday, February 6, 2011

WP/MT/ ED DEV/ ENG 2011/ 2
Zonal Education Office

January 15, 2011

Through principals
to the teachers of English

Instructions to English teachers

1. You are directed to implement the 2011 School English Development Programme, annexed herewith, in your schools.

2. Conduct the morning assembly in English medium at least once a week.

3. Implement English as a Life Skill Project in your schools. The progress of the project will be constantly monitored.

4. Writing term notes and lesson plans is compulsory since 2011. The Divisional Director of Education will enquire and inspect the documents as a prerequisite for your annual increment.

5. School English Projects

Funds have been allocated to all schools sans primary schools for English language development projects. Submit your project proposals for 2011 to the Zonal Education Office through the Director-English for approval. You may select one of the following themes as your project.
  • School English Awards Day
  • Development of the English Activity Room
  • Publication of an English journal

6. Evaluation of teacher performance - 2010

Your performance in classroom teaching and co-curricular activities will be regularly monitored by Director-English and the In-service Advisers of English. Steps are being initiated to award certificates to the teachers of English who worked hard to raise the standards of the students of English last year.

7. Spoken English test for the Grade 10 students will be held in 2011 too. Please read Annex 2 for further details.

8. The Zonal Language Training Centre will conduct a five day Basic English Course for very slow learners of Grade 9. Kindly send the names of the relevant students to Zonal Language Training Center, Mihindu Primary School, Dapiligoda, Agalawatta before 15th of February 2011.

9. English Department will very soon launch its own website and you are requested to send your articles, school news, pictures, videos and children’s creations etc. to the Zonal Language Training Centre via email or on a CD / DVD. Email address: languagetrace(at)gmail(dot)com

Signed by

K.K.P.M. Jayathilake
Zonal Director of Education

Premalal B. Ranaweerage
Assistant Director of ducation - English

Annex 1


The English Teachers of the Matugama Education Zone are directed to implement the following programme in their schools in 2011. 

1. Formation of clubs
I.English Literary Association
II.Students' English Speaking Club
III.Teachers' English Speaking Club
2. English Language Week - February 21-26
During the English Language Week implement the following programmes
  • English language competitions
  • Displaying posters, pictures, cartoons etc. on interesting topics with captions and messages in English language.
  • Conducting the morning assembly in English medium daily during the week.
Note: Display a banner of 6”X4” size from February 14th onwards near the main gate of the school propagating the English Language Week.

May to August
Holding of the School English Awards Day

September to November
Publication of a school magazine in English language

Annex 2


Prescribed areas for the test.

1.Personal information such as self, family, school, interests etc.

The student has to ask questions in relation to the following situations and places
At the post office, sportsmeet, a telephone conversation with a friend, about a trip

3.Describing a picture
(The assessor will provide a picture to the student who is expected to describe it using at least five sentence patterns.)

4.Building up a story using the pictures given by the assessor.

Twenty five marks will be given for each theme. Certificates will be awarded to the students who get over 50 marks.

The assessors will arrive at your schools to conduct the test from the second term onwards.
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